Handmade Stoneware Bowls with Expanded Decoration
I’ve recently experimented making handmade stoneware bowls with an expanded decoration.
They have been made using a homemade wooden paddle which has lines sawn into it at different angles. To begin with the bowls were thrown into a fairly tall cylinder shape. With one hand supporting the inside, and the wheel stopped, the outside of the cylinder was whacked with the paddle a number of times. After this the inside of the bowl was opened out, making sure not to touch the outside and spoil the pattern. By pulling the pot out like this it creates an expanded decoration – like when you draw on a balloon and then blow it up.
The first bowl has one of my favourite green glazes on the inside. The colour comes from 3% copper carbonate and 3% titanium dioxide.
I’ve left the outside unglazed which gives a rough stoney texture which I quite like to hold. I did notice while stacking it inside another bowl that it tends to grind unpleasantly during stacking so I doubt I would make any sets in this style.
I’ve also made this other version in a dark blue / green colour.
Carved pattern handmade stoneware bowls
This bowl is also stoneware, but instead of using a paddle the bowl was thrown into a cylinder then carved using a trim tool before being expanded.
All of these bowls were one-offs but I may do some sets at some point. I’m currently working on some other decoration techniques. I’ve just received a new super fine Xiem slip trailer which I’m excited about trying out. You can follow the buy pottery link at the top to find these handmade stoneware bowls and other ware I have for sale. Please add your comments or questions below.