My Favourite Sheffield Potters
To be honest I don’t really know many other Sheffield Potters personally, but here are a few I do know, and a few I don’t know but have come across on the internet and have liked their work.
Firstly Penny Withers is a Sheffield Potter who taught my wife for a number of years. She has a studio in Persistence Works where she runs pottery evening classes. She is a lovely lady, and we are lucky to have some of her beautiful work at use at our home.
Emilie Taylor is someone I came across whilst searching for other Sheffield potters. I was immediately struck by the bold forms which have been intricately decorated. It seems her pottery has been influenced by her work with disadvantaged people.
Another Sheffield potter resident at Persistence Works is Hanne Westergaard. I was most impressed by her vessels on the exhibitions page, which are beautifully decorated with nettle designs, and have a gentle flowing curve to them. She is influenced by her Scandinavian upbringing and draws inspiration from nature. There are workshops run by Hanne, details are available on her site.
If you are a Sheffield potter please leave a comment below, I’m always interested in looking at other potters work.